Mrs Grant
Class Teacher
Mrs Thomas
Support Staff
Welcome to Puffins - Reception/Year 1
This half term our learning theme is “Where in the World”
The children will be immersed in the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’. Reception will learn and retell the story, writing simple sentences. Year one will retell, sequence and innovate the story using their own ideas. The children will be reading a range of different stories linked to our theme.
In Geography the children will explore our locality through a local walk. We will learn all about our local area, draw maps and talk about our local area. Reception will look at map drawings and explore the school grounds. Year one will write descriptions of our locality using taught vocabulary. We will work together to answer our enquiry question;
‘What would I like to change in my locality?’
In art we will be focusing on the artist John Dyer. The children will use what they have learnt about the artist to create their own seaside artwork based on our locality. The children will also learn about primary colours and how to mix them to make new colours and to change the tone of colours.
In maths Reception will be looking at the composition of numbers to 10. Year one will be looking at place value within 20, before moving on to addition and subtraction within 20, the children will continue to build upon their knowledge of numbers to 10 to support them to work with numbers to 20.
In P.E the children will focus on dance. They will learn and remember a series of movements, link them to music, rehearse them and perform them to the rest of the school.
In R.E Reception will explore Christianity as they answer the question: “How do people celebrate? Year one will continue to focus on Christianity as we explore the question: ‘Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?
We will use Tapestry to share your child's learning with you and to share important class messages. Please make sure you check the app regularly. Click here for Tapestry website
Please make sure book bags are brought into school daily.
Thank you
Mrs Grant and Mrs Thomas