
Reception/Year 1 Kingfishers

Mrs Grant

Class Teacher

Mrs Thomas

Support Staff

Welcome to Kingfishers - Reception/Year 1 


This half term our learning theme is “Ready, Steady, Grow.”

The children will be immersed in the story ‘The Enormous Turnip.' They will learn, retell and rewrite the story. Year 1 children will be innovating the story using their own ideas. We will learn about and describe the characters. The children will enjoy a range of stories linked to Spring and plants in class to support their writing.  

Science will be in focus, the children will investigate our enquiry question: 

“How do plants grow?” 

Reception will grow cress and think about what they need to help them to grow. Year one will be learning about the parts of a flower and their functions. The children will plant seeds and bulbs, investigating which conditions are the best for a plant to grow. The children will also be looking at how plants and trees change in the different seasons.

During our art lessons, the children will learn about the artist Georgia O’Keeffe. They will explore and develop their drawing skills to produce observational artwork linked to plants. They will explore different textures, patterns and colours. In computing lessons, the children will focus on digital painting, looking at the different tools available to us to create pictures using a paint programme. Reception will be looking at a range of spring time computing activities. 

In maths Reception will be exploring length, height and time before moving on to looking at numbers to 10. Year 1, will be looking at place value within 50; representing, ordering and comparing numbers to 50.  They will also learn about measures, finding out about and comparing length, height, mass and volume.

In design technology the children will design, make and evaluate fruit kebabs linked to healthy eating in SCARF where we are focusing on ’being my best’. In PE the children will focus on Net and Wall, learning techniques to support with throwing and catching a ball building skills to play net games in groups.

In the lead up to Easter, in R.E Reception will explore the question:

‘What is Easter?’

Whilst Year one will explore the question:

‘Why was Jesus welcomed like a king or celebrity by the crowds on Palm Sunday?’


In music year one we will be learning about the weather and changing seasons, listening to music by Beethoven and learning songs linked to our learning. Reception will continue to look at composition as they create a piece of music ready to perform to their parents. 

Kingfishers have P.E on Tuesday and Thursday each week, please ensure that your child's kit is in school each day. 

We will use Tapestry to share your child's learning with you and to share important class messages. Please make sure you check the app regularly.Click here for Tapestry website Reception homework will be added to Tapestry weekly, please share your child's homework with us.

Please make sure book bags are brought into school daily. 

Thank you

Mrs Grant and Mrs Thomas

Year 1

Biscovey Nursery and Infants' Academy
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