Mrs Brewer
Class Teacher
Mrs Bowes
Support Staff
Welcome to Owls Class - Year 2
Our wider curriculum focus will be in geography. We will be developing our geographical enquiry skills, asking questions about our locality and a contrasting locality. We will be developing our enquiry skills by asking the question, ‘Would you rather live in Sri Lanka or England?’ We will be going on a geographical locality walk on Monday 27th January to develop our understanding of simple maps and their symbols.
In maths we will be focussing on addition and subtraction within 100 and crossing 10’s when adding two 2-digit numbers.
Dance, will be the focus of our PE lessons with the pupils planning and creating their own performances. This will culminate in a whole school performance to showcase the dancing skills of each class.
In art we will be learning about sculpture. We will look at the artist Barbara Hepworth and replicate some of her ideas in our own artwork.
Our computing lessons will be split into two blocks of learning. We will begin with learning about simple coding programs using ‘Scratch Junior’ and then we will complete some lessons about internet safety.
In RE we will be learning about Islam and answering questions about ‘prayer.’
In music we will be focusing on vocal sounds and beat, with ‘myths’ as our focus.
Homework books will be sent home every Wednesday.
Please return them to school the following Monday.
Please make sure you listen to your child read as often as possible- at least 4 times weekly. Books will be changed every 3 days during Read, Write, Inc lessons. Children in the comprehension groups will change their chapter books in class as necessary.
Pupils will be given spellings in their homework books at the beginning of each half term. There will be a small spelling test each week.
Tapestry will be used when appropriate for us to share practical learning, special events, homework and important class messages. Please make sure you check the app regularly.
Please make sure you listen to your child read as often as possible- at least 4 times weekly. Books will be changed every 3 days during Read, Write, Inc lessons. Children in the comprehension groups will change their chapter books in class as necessary.
Pupils will be given spellings in their homework books at the beginning of each half term. There will be a small spelling test each week.
Tapestry will be used when appropriate for us to share practical learning, special events, homework and important class messages. Please make sure you check the app regularly.
PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Please make sure your PE kit is named and kept in school at all times. We will send kits home at the end of every half term to be washed.
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Brewer