

Children are taught to write within literacy lessons linked to the year group overarching theme. We follow the Talk for Writing approach for all of our writing lessons. Additionally children in the Early Years explore writing in a variety of ways to develop the children's early literacy skills.  A range of mark making tools are made available and the children are encouraged to write in a variety of situations. This can be during their own investigations and more formally in guided sessions planned to match their developing needs.
As children progress into Key Stage One, they are taught to apply their phonic knowledge learnt through the 'Read, Write, Inc. Phonics' session in a class  literacy lesson which continues to teach both narrative and non-fiction writing use Talk for Writing principles. The written outcome is closely linked to the topic theme for the term.  These lessons focus on delivering a range of skills needed to make them confident writers.  In Key Stage One we continue to develop their handwriting skills by teaching them cursive script. We have high expectations of our children and challenge them to write to the very best of their ability to produce a piece of writing which they feel proud of.
In both the Foundation Stage and in Key Stage 1 the children participate in regular opportunities to write in both fully supported sessions and also provide opportunities for them to promote independence. In these sessions the children are encouraged to write more independently for a sustained period of time.  
The document below shows the teaching and learning principles for Writing in our school outlined in more detail.

Biscovey Nursery and Infants' Academy
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